Temple Teleport Sample Pack (20 Pieces Of Magic Mushroom Tea + Chocolate ChocoNaut + Scooby Snacks)
For those psychonauts who want it all, there is the Temple Teleport Sample Pack. To please even the most discerning mind-explorer, we’ve combined our top-selling edibles in one box.
Included in the Temple Teleport Sample Pack are the following:
- Temple Magic Mushroom Chocolate ChocoNauts, 4 pieces (0.5 grams each, 2 grams total)
- Mushroom Party Capsules from Temple Scooby Snacks, 10 pieces (0.25 grams each, 2.5 grams total)
- 2 cups of Earl Grey – Black Tea, Temple Magic Mushroom (1 gram per pack, 2 grams total)
- Temple Magic Mushroom Tea (Rooibos Chai – Herbal Tea), two pieces (1 gram per pack, 2 grams total)
- 2 cups of Lemon Ginger Gunpowder Green Tea from Temple Magic Mushroom Tea (1 gram per pack, 2 grams total)
For a total of 10.5 grams’ equivalent of magic mushrooms.
Fine imported Swiss milk chocolate is used to make Temple Magic Mushroom Chocolate Choconaut. In every bite, our unique combination delivers a milk chocolate with a smooth, velvety texture. You can progressively manage your dose thanks to the 0.5 gram of Golden Teacher mushrooms that are injected into each unique piece of chocolate.
Temple Scooby Snacks, also known as Scooby Snax, Scoobies, or Scoobs, are amusing small tablets that have 125 mg of Bee Pollen, 125 mg of Ginseng, and 250 mg of Psilocybe cubensis. This blend of herbs offers a harmonious and energizing experience.
Three flavors of Temple Magic Mushroom tea bags are available: Rooibos Chai (herbal tea), Earl Grey (black tea), and Lemon Ginger Gunpowder (Green Tea). The pickiest tea lovers will be satiated by these organic tea blends. One whole gram of Golden Teacher psilocybin mushrooms are contained in each shrooms tea bag (Psilocybe Cubensis). The aromatic mixes from Temple Tea taste great and work rapidly.
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